Saturday, April 30, 2011

Wanting to change me.

There are so many things that I want to change about myself. I feel that sometimes if I really were to change these things, I might actually get a date. Or maybe one guy in the ward might talk to me without me talking to them first. Maybe I would find a man who would fall in love with me and I wouldn't be Single Mormon Girl anymore. I've never thought that I've been physically unattractive, but I suppose I can work harder.

I think I'm more worried about my physical appearance than anything else. I want to lose weight, I want my acne to clear up ( my age I should not be having break outs). I want to fit a size 10 jeans....I want my hair to be longer, blonder, or whatever. I could go on. I wish that I didn't stumble over my words, that I could say what I feel. I wish that my body worked properly and that I didn't have to take life a little slower because of injuries.

So many things to fix. But would fixing them really bring me more attention from guys? And if it did? Would I want that attention? If it didn't? What would I do next?

I believe that it is important to continually improve ourselves in every aspect of life. I know that I spend more time worrying about my looks than I do reading my scriptures. I spend more time on my makeup than I do on my prayers. Ouch. That hurts to admit that. It's not that I don't want to....I just forget. But I never forget to put makeup on. Ever. If I ever walked out of the house with makeup on it was probably when I didn't wear makeup. Or during finals week. I need to remember not to leave the house without praying. I pray in my heart all day, but I should take that sacred time to talk with Him.

Along with making ourselves spiritually attractive, I know that we need to be willing to accept ourselves....which means accepting the acne, accepting the size 16 jeans in our closet, accepting our weaknesses in everything. God loves each one of us, despite the things we hate about ourselves. As long as we are moving steadily along the strait and narrow way, who cares how long our hair is? These things are trivial compared to the more important things in life....such as having a testimony of the Atonement of the Savior, knowing that Joseph Smith is a prophet called by God, and knowing that God loves us. These are more important.

Don't  judge yourself based on worldly criteria.

See yourself as God sees you.

While I'm waiting for those pounds to drop, I'm going to go study my scriptures and see what the Lord says about my worth. I'd rather hear it from Him than my weight-scale. And I believe that His view is more accurate, anyways.


  1. ugh I hate acne too it ruins everything! I can't get a date because of it. :(

  2. Sarahmarie-I've come to discover that the most important thing isn't about what I'm not...but what I am. As long as I am living the gospel to the fullest, and being as righteous as I can be, then I shouldn't be worried about the things that I cannot control about my physical appearance. In the eternal scheme of things, it just doesn't matter as much, you know?

  3. I totally agree with what you all say. I do want to point something out about myself however if I may. :) I feel much better about myself and I am much more confident when I try my best to look my best. When I work out, when I go out, when I put gel in my hair, when I put cologne on, you name it, the list goes on, I always feel better and I think I do get noticed more. And don't give up on yourself! I see too many girls and guys that go to school (at BYU the zoo) that just don't take care of themselves. They let themselves go, and I mean in any way that you can imagine: weight, hair, makeup (or lack thereof), attitude, etc. I can't stand seeing a girl that could be cute but she decided to be lazy and go to school in sweats with no makeup on and her hair pulled up into a bundle. There's nothing more attractive than a girl that dresses the part. That's why I try to do the same. :)
